Climate Action Fund Criteria – Scoring Matrix


Description / corporate plan link


Increasing awareness and knowledge of the climate emergency

The project will result in increased knowledge and understanding of the climate emergency for the community

0 – this project will not result in any learnings

1 – this project will result in some awareness and/or learnings on the climate emergency for the community

2 – this project will result in increased awareness and/or knowledge on the climate emergency for the community

3 – this project will result in significantly increased awareness and/or knowledge on the climate emergency for the community

Encouraging residents and/or groups that are at the beginning of their journey to take action to address the climate emergency N.B. An established group could support and encourage potential new members



Ensure the project particularly aims to include those groups that have historically been marginalized or those that have been hard to reach

Established Group

New Group

0 – this project does not encourage new members and/or groups that are at the beginning of their journey to take action to address the climate emergency

1 – this project encourages some new members and/or groups to take action to address the climate emergency

2 – this project encourages many new members and/or groups to take action to address the climate emergency

3 – this project encourages a significant number of new members and/or groups at the beginning of their journey to take action to address the climate emergency and provides a focus on historically marginalised groups

 0 – this project does not attract residents and/or groups that are at the beginning of their journey to take action to address the climate emergency

1 – this project encourages some residents and/or groups to take action to address the climate emergency

2 – this project encourages many residents and/or groups to take action to address the climate emergency

3 – this project encourages a significant number of residents and/or groups at the beginning of their journey to take action to address the climate emergency and provides a focus on historically marginalised groups

Building community connections and cohesion through the development and/or delivery of the project to help address the climate emergency

Building strong communities and connections with a sense of place and community identity

0 – this project does not build community connections or cohesion

1 – this project builds some community connections and cohesions

2 – this project builds community connections and cohesion

3 – this project is exemplary in building community connections and cohesion

Embracing working in partnership through the development and/or delivery of the project to help address the climate emergency

Working in partnership with other councils, authorities and businesses, non-profit organisations, community and residents’ groups, to achieve the aims and objectives effectively, efficiently and fairly

0 – this project does not embrace working in partnership

1 – this project embraces some working in partnership

2 – this project embraces working in partnership

3 – this project is exemplary in working in partnership

Long term benefits to the community and climate as a result of the project outcomes  

Long term outcomes that benefit the community and address the climate emergency

0 – no long-term benefits

1 – some long-term benefits to the community and climate

2 – good long-term benefits to the community and climate

3 – exemplary long-term benefits to the community and climate


The following points/funding formula is an example based on using a 3 points system, with a significant number of applications received. As this is a new fund and application interest is unknown, the funding formula will be considered and decided based on the volume of applications received.



0-1 / 0-3

0-25% funding

2-4 / 4-7

25% - 50% funding

5-7 / 8-11

50% - 75% funding

8-10 / 12-15

75% - 100% funding